Travel writing begins in the ancient world, merely from writing information of personal travels, and research of an author then published to a piece of a tablet, up to a piece of paper and now on digital technologies. It is constantly changed and influenced by dynamic factors through decades. In the age of the internet, anyone can write and post travel stories and photos with the use of the internet and digital technologies. The current generation and the surfacing globalization let travel accessible and affordable for anyone to experience.
Globalization connects different nations all over the world, thus making travel destinations easy to access for everyone and reach even unknown places. Today, everyone can travel and reach a certain destination in just a few minutes and hours with the presence of mobility technologies. The emergence of the World Wide Web and digital technologies makes it easy for everyone to share and post stories about their travel. Anyone has the freedom to post and share stories through various digital media wherein outplace prints, magazines, newspapers, and books. According to the site Blurb, "The world of travel writing has changed over the last few decades—as have the travel tendencies of the general public." These gave a chance for everyone to be a travel writer by sharing their experience and information about their travel and factual events and destinations they visit accompanied with high definition pictures.
Contemporary travel writers adapt to the dynamic changes brought by technologies and become tech-savvy on every digital media. The internet allowed travelers to distribute and acquire information about routes and destinations in real-time. With the presence of the internet and with a click you can visit the various website that has content about traveling including blog sites, travel sites, and news.
The advancement of technologies influenced different aspects of human activity. Today, travel writing can be anyone's job as long as they have a means of traveling and a passion for sharing factual information, stories, and pictures on the internet. Travel writing may also acquire a significant change as time goes by.